Dawn Simulation
Please note: numbers used in the text indicate scientific references that are located at the bottom of each page of this website. These references can each be clicked to bring up the abstract of the article.

What is it?
In dawn simulation, a low but progressive level of light is provided for a prescribed period of a time, during the early morning, while the person remains asleep.

Dawn simulation is not intended to wake the sleeper, but rather to supply a signal of emerging sunrise. This signal brings circadian rhythms into synchrony with the natural sleep cycle, lessening depressive symptoms.

Because it is used during sleep and does not require earlier awakening, many people find dawn simulation more user-friendly than bright light therapy.

What does it treat?
Dawn simulation has been found to be as effective as bright light therapy in the treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder. [9, 41, 42, 43]
